New Persuasive Words

"The revival in religion will be a rhetorical problem - new persuasive words for defaced or degraded ones." - Thornton Wilder

About the show

New Persuasive Words started as two guys talking about life with what we thought (hoped?) was wit and insight, on our good days anyway. Then...a podcast.

New Persuasive Words on social media


  • Episode 280: No Gnosis is Good Gnosis...

    October 23rd, 2019  |  36 mins 28 secs

    In this episode we continue our series on the Romance of Orthodoxy. We consider the heresy that seems to have perennial appeal in Christian history: Gnosticism.

  • Episode 279: Modalism: The Clark Kent/Superman Trinity

    October 22nd, 2019  |  32 mins 6 secs

    Continuing our series about the Romance of Orthodoxy, we consider the modalist heresy, which holds that Father, Son, and Spirit are really not persons but more like masks or roles God puts on in relationship to the world.

  • Episode 278: Marcion, Thor and YHWH

    October 16th, 2019  |  41 mins 35 secs

    In this episode we continue to talk about the Romance of Orthodoxy. We talk about Marcionism, a heresy that claims the God of the Hebrew Bible is fundamentally different than the God revealed in Jesus Christ. We find a surprising modern example of the position in renowned theologian David Bentley Hart. We consider a recent exchange he had with First Things contributor Peter Leithart.

  • Episode 277: Docetism

    September 30th, 2019  |  36 mins 18 secs

    Continuing our series on the Romance of Orthodoxy, we discuss the "docetic" heresy, which claims that Jesus Christ was divine, but not really human.

  • Episode 276: Jesus, Judaism and the Early Church

    September 24th, 2019  |  31 mins 38 secs

    Continuing our discussion of the romance of orthodoxy, we consider controversies in the history of the church. In this episode we discuss the early church's struggle with the role of Torah observance and the inclusion of Gentiles.

  • Episode 275: The Romance of Orthodoxy

    September 10th, 2019  |  36 mins 7 secs

    Fresh off of our summer vacations, we talk about how Christian orthodoxy has romanced us both and continues to do so.

  • Episode 274: Summer Potpourri

    August 16th, 2019  |  38 mins 51 secs

    We're both looking toward summer vacation! In this episode we mix it up, like the Jeoprady Potpourri category. You never know what's coming next.

  • Episode 273: Guns, God and White Supremacism

    August 6th, 2019  |  32 mins 23 secs

    In this episode we talk about the recent mass shootings in Texas and Ohio and how to face what they tell us about ourselves as Americans.

  • Episode 272: Kissing The Faith Goodbye

    July 31st, 2019  |  39 mins 45 secs

    In this episode we talk about renowned former megachurch pastor Josh Harris's announcement that he has left the Christian faith.

  • Episode 271: Us, Them, Trump, and The Squad

    July 23rd, 2019  |  29 mins 38 secs

    In this episode, inspired in part by David Fitch's new book, we talk about the recent inflammatory statements President Trump made about four women of color in the House of Representatives.

  • Episode 270: Apocalypse Now?

    July 10th, 2019  |  31 mins 23 secs

    Many are troubled by evangelical love affair with President Trump. Sometimes people talk like it means that the sky is falling or that the end is near. Is this overstated? Might historical perspective teach us a thing or two in this cultural moment?

  • Episode 269: The Gift of Wonder, with Christine Sine

    June 20th, 2019  |  40 mins 27 secs

    In this episode we talk with a special guest, Christine Sine. Her new book is entitled "The Gift of Wonder."

  • Episode 268: The One, The Three and The Many

    June 14th, 2019  |  29 mins 34 secs

    In this episode we talk about the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and it's connection to reality and everyday life.

  • Episode 267: Game of Thrones and the End of Empathy

    June 6th, 2019  |  31 mins 7 secs

    In this episode we discuss our thoughts on the Game of Thrones Finale and a recent Invisibilia episode on empathy.

  • Episode 266: Can a Command be a Gift?

    May 13th, 2019  |  28 mins 43 secs

    In this episode we continue to talk about the moral life, with some theological help from Karl Barth and John Milbank. We also talk a bit about Game of Thrones, and consider the reactions to the untimely and sad death of Rachel Held Evans.

  • Episode 265: The Battle of the Dead and the Source of Life

    April 30th, 2019  |  32 mins 53 secs

    In this episode we talk Game of Thrones, legalism and antinominiasm, in that order pretty much.