New Persuasive Words
"The revival in religion will be a rhetorical problem - new persuasive words for defaced or degraded ones." - Thornton Wilder
Episode 200: Our 200th episode! With Special Guest Mark Oppenheimer
February 21st, 2018 | 58 mins 18 secs
When we began this podcast we never imagined we'd get to 200 episodes. It's been a wild ride. We were joined on our 200th episode by Mark Oppenheimer, Editor at Large at Tablet Magazine and co-host of the wildly popular Unorthodox podcast. We talk faith, politics, public life and even epigenetics. Thanks to all our listeners. Here's to 200 more!
Episode 199: To Ash or Not to Ash...
February 11th, 2018 | 41 mins 21 secs
In this Saturday Night Special episode of the podcast we talk a little about Ash Wednesday, its origins and the practice of serving "ashes on the go."
Episode 198: Two Natures? One Person?
February 10th, 2018 | 36 mins 47 secs
In this episode we continue our recent discussions of Luther and the Reformation. We focus specifically on Luther's Christology, asking whether or not it's really what's behind some of the 16th century sacramental controversies.
Episode 197: The Game of the Century and Theology as Language Game
February 7th, 2018 | 36 mins 21 secs
In this episode we talk about the Eagles big Super Bowl victory! We also consider the legacy of the recently deceased theologian George Lindbeck
Episode 196: Luther's Dark Side
February 3rd, 2018 | 34 mins 13 secs
In this episode we consider the dark side of Martin Luther's personality, how it shaped the Reformation and how we should consider it today.
Episode 195: Why Do Evangelicals Still Support Trump?
January 27th, 2018 | 37 mins 5 secs
In this episode we consider why prominent evangelical leaders still support President Trump, even amidst recent revelations of an affair with an adult film star.
Episode 194: What's in a Name?
January 22nd, 2018 | 33 mins 7 secs
In this episode we consider the late medieval philosophical movement called Nominalism. Many think it's the movement that gave birth to the modern world.
Episode 193: Is It Getting Better?
January 12th, 2018 | 35 mins 25 secs
In our second episode of 2018 we ask if the world is getting better. We reflect on Time Magazine's interview with Bill Gates and Rowan Williams' review of John Millbank's newest book, "The Politics of Virtue", co-authored with Adrian Pabst.
Episode 192: A New Tone for a New Year?
December 27th, 2017 | 37 mins 46 secs
In this episode we consider what it would look like to have a more civilized public discourse in 2018.
Episode 191: The Mystery Of Christmas
December 22nd, 2017 | 28 mins 45 secs
In this episode we talk about the mystery at the heart of Christmas: the Incarnation.
Episode 190: Does The Virgin Birth Make Sense, part 2
December 20th, 2017 | 31 mins 4 secs
In the last episode we wanted to talk about whether or not the Virgin Birth still makes sense for modern Christians. We initially wanted to tackle three issues: (1) the biblical witness, (2) the theological truth and (3) the existential significance. We only got to part 1 in the last episode. We hit part 2 and 3 in this one. Merry Christmas.
Episode 189: Does The Virgin Birth Make Sense, part 1
December 19th, 2017 | 44 mins 40 secs
In this episode we think about whether or not the Virgin Birth still makes sense for modern Christians. We initially wanted to tackle three issues: (1) the biblical witness, (2) the theological truth and (3) the existential significance. We only got to part 1. Our endeavor is parts 2 and 3 before Christmas Eve.
Episode 188: Reflecting on The Legacy of R.C. Sproul
December 16th, 2017 | 32 mins 1 sec
We are joined on a "Friday Night Lights" episode by Greg Strawbridge. Greg is the pastor of All Saints Church in Lancaster, PA.
Episode 187: What Does Roy Moore's Defeat Mean For America and Its Christians?
December 13th, 2017 | 49 mins 53 secs
In this episode, recorded the day after the special Senate election in Alabama to fill Jeff Sessions' seat, we talk about the signficance of Roy Moore's defeat for American public life.
Episode 186: From Ideology To Tribalism?
December 9th, 2017 | 31 mins 44 secs
In this episode we consider whether tribalism is a more decisive force in our culture than ideology.
Episode 185: Theology In Outline, Part 6: Advent and Eschatology
December 8th, 2017 | 34 mins 16 secs
We continue our revisiting of the Reformation, commemorating its 500th anniversary, through a comparison of brief works of Robert Jenson and Brian Gerrish. In this episode, recorded during the beginning of Advent, we talk about the end of all things and Christian hope.