New Persuasive Words
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
314 episodes of New Persuasive Words since the first episode, which aired on August 7th, 2015.
Episode 232: Infrastructure and Tradition
August 16th, 2018 | 34 mins 56 secs
In this episode we talk about Roman roads, the importance of infrastructure and the nature of preservation and innovation in traditions.
Episode 231: Patriotism and Nationalism
August 7th, 2018 | 28 mins 1 sec
William F. Buckley once said: "I’m as patriotic as anyone from sea to shining sea, but there’s not a molecule of nationalism in me.” Inspired by this quote, we consider whether one can be an American patriot and a nationalist at the same time.
Episode 230: Nature and Grace
August 2nd, 2018 | 28 mins 13 secs
In this episode, continuing a series on law, grace, the Christian life and the nature of the human condition, we discuss the relationship of nature and grace.
Episode 229: The Show About Nothing
July 15th, 2018 | 51 mins 13 secs
We welcomed friend of the show Geoff Holsclaw into the bunker for the first time. We went into this episode without a topic. It was a show about nothing that became something. This goes down as one of our favorite Bullgeschicte episodes. Can't wait to have Geoff back.
Episode 228: When Politics Shapes Religion
July 13th, 2018 | 21 mins 46 secs
Inspired by a recent piece in the New York Times, we discuss new research that shows how political affiliations and commitments are shaping religious one, not the other way around.
Episode 227: God, Predestination and Evil
July 9th, 2018 | 25 mins 4 secs
In this episode, continuing a series on law, grace, the Christian life and the nature of the human condition, we offer a postscript to our previous episode on Calvin and predestination. We grapple with questions about providence, predestination and evil.
Episode 226: Calvin and Predestination
July 6th, 2018 | 27 mins 38 secs
In this episode, continuing a series on law, grace, the Christian life and the nature of the human condition, we talk about Calvin and predestination.
Episode 225: The Little Luther
June 27th, 2018 | 26 mins 52 secs
In this episode, continuing a series on law, grace, the Christian life and the nature of the human condition, we talk about Luther and the Reformation reception of Augustine, in conversation with Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, popularly know as "The Little Flower of Jesus."
Episode 224: The Laodicean Augustine
June 23rd, 2018 | 31 mins 9 secs
In this episode, continuing a series on law, grace, the Christian life and the nature of the human condition, Bill argues for a "Laodicean" Augustinian understanding of human nature.
Episode 223: Creation and Fall
June 21st, 2018 | 34 mins 16 secs
In this episode we begin a new series of indeterminate length. We're attempting to talk through Creation, Fall and Redemption and everything in between and how this shapes how we discuss our understanding of salvation and the human condition.
Episode 222: Creation In Anticipation
June 20th, 2018 | 22 mins 40 secs
In this episode, inspired by Richard Rohr and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, we talk about what it means for creation to look forward to its fulfillment.
Episode 221: Faith Without Understanding
May 31st, 2018 | 26 mins 5 secs
In this episode we consider what happens when faith is unreflective and ceases to seek continued understanding.
Episode 220: The Forgotten Trinity
May 28th, 2018 | 35 mins 40 secs
In this episode, inspired by a provocative and self-admittedly unorthodox sermon Trinity Sunday sermon posted on The Episcopal Cafe website, we reflect on the enduring significance of the doctrine of the Trinity.
Episode 219: Original Sin
May 22nd, 2018 | 33 mins 2 secs
In this episode, inspired by a piece in the New York Times by a contemporary philosopher, we reflect on the contemporary relevance of an often maligned ancient Christian doctrine.
Episode 218: Greater Things
May 17th, 2018 | 1 hr 1 min
In this Bullgeschichte episode we are joined by Doug Pagitt. Doug is the founder and director of the non-profit Greater Things Foundation, which is the umbrella organization that much of his work operates within. We talk about faith, life, evangelicalism and politics. And of course, a little Donald Trump.
Episode 217: Jerusalem
May 15th, 2018 | 27 mins 43 secs
In this episode we talk about Jerusalem and the tragedy in Gaza. We consider how things got here and if there's hope on the horizon. We also consider a past conversation "The Grace of Doing Nothing."