New Persuasive Words

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

314 episodes of New Persuasive Words since the first episode, which aired on August 7th, 2015.

  • Episode 264: Is The Christian Life Worth Living?

    April 26th, 2019  |  49 mins 46 secs

    Check out this crossover episode we did with our friends from Crackers and Grapejuice in New York City. We talk about the nature of the Christian life and what it means to live it.

  • Episode 263: Christological Exegesis?

    April 21st, 2019  |  45 mins 31 secs

    In this episode, inspired by a post on Facebook by our friend Kenneth Tanner, we talk about how Christians ought to read the Hebrew Bible, which we call the Old Testament.

  • Episode 262: Navigating Social Change

    April 14th, 2019  |  28 mins 46 secs

    In this episode, inspired by revelations about Joe Biden's "touchiness", we talk about changing norms and navigating social change.

  • Episode 261: Bullgeschichte, with Adam Borneman

    April 7th, 2019  |  58 mins 9 secs

    In this Bullgeschichte episode we're joined by Adam Borneman. He's a Presbyterian minister (PCUSA) and the Program Director of Macedonia Ministries. We talk about 19th century theology, the relevance of the Gospel for public life, and a host of other things.

  • Episode 260: The Prodigal God

    April 5th, 2019  |  32 mins 12 secs

    In this episode we talk about the parable of The Prodigal Son, found in Luke 15. We consider what roles we play in it at different parts in our public and private lives, and how it speaks to them all.

  • Episode 259: The Mueller Malaise, Part 2

    March 25th, 2019  |  28 mins 41 secs

    In this episode we continue to discuss the Mueller Report now that Attorney General Barr's summary of it has been made public.

  • Episode 258: Are We Heading For Mueller Malaise?

    March 24th, 2019  |  22 mins 35 secs

    We recorded this episode a half hour before the release of the summary of the Mueller report by U.S. Attorney General William Barr. We talk about it what it might mean for the country. We also talk about how people generally deal with uncertainty.

  • Episode 257: The Person vs The Principle

    March 19th, 2019  |  28 mins 39 secs

    In this episode, inspired by a piece published on the site of our friends over at Mockingbird, we talk about the relationship of the person of Christ to principles that we devise and even cherish.

  • Episode 256: Our Culture of Contempt

    March 16th, 2019  |  34 mins 11 secs

    In this episode, inspired by NY Times op-ed piece, we talk about the problem of contemptuousness in our culture.

  • Episode 255: The Methodist Church Controversy

    March 4th, 2019  |  42 mins 53 secs

    In this episode, after a few minutes talking news, we turn to the recent controversy about sexuality and LGBT inclusion in the United Methodist Church.

  • Episode 254: The Visible and the Invisible

    March 1st, 2019  |  27 mins 42 secs

    In this episode we talk about the visible and invisible church, and our ideals and the church's realities.

  • Episode 253: Facts Don't Change People's Minds

    February 19th, 2019  |  28 mins 30 secs

    In this episode, inspired by something we read online, we talk about the inability of facts to change minds. If facts are stubborn things, are our minds even more stubborn? Why is this the case?

  • Episode 252: The Righteous and The Woke...Flip Sides of the Same Coin?

    February 9th, 2019  |  42 mins 20 secs

    In this episode, inspired by a piece written by Valerie Tarico, we talk about the strange similarities between some types of conservative evangelicals and woke activists. Most people wouldn't see these groups having much in common. But does their particular sort of tribalism make their similarities greater than their differences?

  • Episode 251: Talking Theology, Culture and Counter-Culture with Dave Fitch

    February 5th, 2019  |  1 hr 5 mins

    In this episode we talk with friend and always interesting interlocutor David Fitch. Dave is a theologian, pastor and church planter. He's also a self-described "Neo-Anabaptist." He also identifies as an evangelical Christian. We ask him about his Neo-Anabaptist theological vision and how it relates to the evangelical tradition in North America.

  • Episode 250: 250!

    January 28th, 2019  |  1 hr 5 mins

    In this our 250th episode, we are joined by our friend Matt Milliner. We discuss a host of issues and ideas and do a lot of laughing along the way.

  • Episode 249: Grace is Grace

    January 16th, 2019  |  28 mins 15 secs

    In this episode we talk about grace. Specifically, we talk about the term common grace, and how to us grace always seems particular and special.