New Persuasive Words
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
314 episodes of New Persuasive Words since the first episode, which aired on August 7th, 2015.
Episode 72: Wasteland?
August 4th, 2016 | 32 mins 13 secs
Despite many listener pleas to get back to Bill’s sweetspot, the 5th century, we continue to be mesmerized by current events (current events for Bill are anything after the Reformation). In this episode we talk about where our culture is going,
Episode 71: Evangelicals Politicizing The Trinity?
August 2nd, 2016 | 54 mins 44 secs
In this episode, which is a crossover with the Theology On Mission podcast, we discuss the current debates in the evangelical world over the Trinity and gender roles in church and society, joined by Geoff Holsclaw.
Episode 70: Another Week In Review
July 17th, 2016 | 34 mins 58 secs
There’s a lot going on in the world right now, from the ridiculous to the sublime. Bill and Scott take a little time to reflect on the week’s events.
Episode 69: World On Fire…?
July 7th, 2016 | 30 mins 4 secs
Six days into the history of the show on August 12th of last year we wondered if the possibility of a seismic event in the Pacific Northwest was signaling the end of the world as we know it. We’re coming up on the first anniversary of the show.
Episode 68: Was 1776 A Mistake?
July 3rd, 2016 | 31 mins 44 secs
In this episode we consider the virtues of the Revolutionary War. Would the world be a better place if we didn’t fight it?
Episode 67: Donald Trump Is Born Again (?)
June 28th, 2016 | 32 mins 14 secs
On this episode Bill and Scott cover what could be the religious news story of the year: Donald Trumps born again evangelical experience.
Episode 66: Should Tragedies Change Our Thinking?
June 18th, 2016 | 31 mins 54 secs
In this episode Bill and Scott spend some time trying to find words to understand the Orlando mass shooting and what it means for thinking about modern life.
Episode 65: The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same?
June 11th, 2016 | 31 mins 24 secs
In this episode we consider some events in the news recently and wonder whether there is precedent for them or not. We then ask whether or not there is anything new under the sun.
Episode 64: The Eve Of Destruction?
June 5th, 2016 | 34 mins 16 secs
Why are we so interested in post-apocalyptic fiction and film these days? Is it because we sense something about our world is ending? What is it that’s passing away, and why does it matter? Show Notes: We reference a book in this episode: How to Surviv...
Episode 63: Looking For Love In All The (Wrong?) Virtual Places
May 31st, 2016 | 32 mins 31 secs
In this episode we consider the funny and frightful world of online dating and what it tells us about modern culture and ourselves. Show Notes: This podcast grew out of a piece Scott wrote for Mockingbird. You can find it here:
Episode 61: Hell
May 17th, 2016 | 34 mins 57 secs
In this episode we take some time to talk about Hell. Who believes in it and why and does it still matter? Show Notes: We reference an essay by George Hunsinger which is found in his book Disruptive Grace. We also reference a book by David Powys,
Episode 60: A Church Of Thrones?
May 11th, 2016 | 35 mins 4 secs
In this episode we talk about Game of Thrones. Enough said?
Episode 59: What’s Scarier Than Us Talking About Science?
May 2nd, 2016 | 25 mins 22 secs
The answer to the question that serves as the title to this podcast is…Bill Nye, “the science guy”, talking philosophy. He answers a question from a fan on YouTube about whether to study philosophy in college. And what an answer it is!
Episode 58: Solid Gold Jesus: Jesus, By The Velvet Underground
April 20th, 2016 | 26 mins 56 secs
We begin the official Top Ten list of the greatest songs about Jesus with a discussion of “Jesus”, by The Velvet Underground.
Episode 57: Fighting Fair
April 17th, 2016 | 35 mins 36 secs
In this episode we talk about conflict. It’s inevitable in life. The question isn’t whether or not we’ll find ourselves involved in conflict in public and private life. It’s what we will do in the midst of it.
Episode 56: Bare Necessities
April 8th, 2016 | 30 mins 29 secs
In this podcast, inspired by Dan Carlin, we reflect on the essential commitments and values that we wouldn’t (or at least shouldn’t) compromise. What are they? How are they formed? When is it OK to change them and why?