Matt Milliner
Special guest
Matt Milliner teaches across the range of art history with an eye for the prospects and pitfalls of visual theology. He holds an M.A. & Ph.D. in art history from Princeton University, and an M.Div from Princeton Theological Seminary. His scholarly specialization is Byzantine and medieval art, with a focus on how such images inform contemporary visual culture. He is a two-time appointee to the Curatorial Advisory Board of the United States Senate, and winner of Redeemer University’s Emerging Public Intellectual Award.
Matt Milliner has been a guest on 5 episodes.
Episode 326: The Wind Cries Mary, with special guest Matt Milliner
December 18th, 2024 | 46 mins 45 secs
In this special holiday episode we talk with our good friend Matt Milliner about the Virgin Mary and her significance for the spiritual life.
Episode 283: Iconoclasm
December 7th, 2019 | 48 mins 52 secs
In this episode, joined by Matthew Milliner, we talk about iconoclasm. The Iconoclastic Controversy, was a dispute over the use of religious images (icons) in the Byzantine Empire in the 8th and 9th centuries. The Iconoclasts (those who rejected images) objected to icon veneration for several reasons, including the Old Testament prohibition against images in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:4) and the possibility of idolatry. The defenders of the use of icons insisted on the symbolic nature of images and on the dignity of created matter.
Episode 250: 250!
January 28th, 2019 | 1 hr 5 mins
In this our 250th episode, we are joined by our friend Matt Milliner. We discuss a host of issues and ideas and do a lot of laughing along the way.
Episode 214: Law, Grace, Life and Love
April 30th, 2018 | 1 hr 3 mins
In this Bullgeschichte episode we talk with our friend and colleague Dr. Matt Milliner about a host of things that matter to us all. This was one of our favorite episodes.
Episode 128: Faith, Fragility and Friendship
May 12th, 2017 | 37 mins 17 secs
In this episode, which is a combo of our Friday Night Lights and Bullgeschichte episodes, we talk with Matt Milliner.