Jace Broadhurst
Special guest
Jace has been the senior pastor of Poolesville Baptist Church since 2006, adjunct professor of various universities and seminaries in the United States and overseas, and is the father of three boys.
Jace grew up in Maryland, graduating from Montrose Christian in 1989. He earned a B.A in Government and Politics from University of Maryland before moving to Orlando to study with the faculty at Reformed Theological Seminary. During his first year in Florida he proposed to the girl he had begun dating eight years earlier in high school, and they were married half way through his seminary work. It was during his time at RTS that he owned and operated a landscaping business, had his first child, and worked part time as a Single Adult Pastor at a large local church.
Having made their fortune cutting grass and being in ministry (he wishes), Jace and family moved to Philadelphia to begin the PhD in hermeneutics at Westminster Theological Seminary. Child #2 came along in his first semester there and he remembers vividly reading his Biblica Hebraica Stuttgartensia sleepily at 5am with one hand in the incubator that held his sick child. The sick child made it, and Jace did, too. Getting special permission for extra classes and taking languages in the summers, Jace somehow squeezed three years of study into two.
The next year Jace and family spent an idyllic year in Kenya while Jace taught Old Testament to hungry pastors in training at Scott Theological College (now Scott Christian University). While the family wished they could have stayed longer, they needed to return to the United States for the birth of their third child and for Jace to write his dissertation (which he completed in 2010). He is now beginning his second decade as Pastor of Poolesville Baptist Church, about 40 minutes from where he grew up.
Jace’s publications can be found with an easy Google search and he teaches regularly for Columbia Evangelical Seminary and Washington University of Virginia. Most of his academic work revolves around hermeneutics and homiletics, but his passion is the church and especially the particular church God gave him to love.
In 2015, Jace lost the love of his life to cancer. When he isn’t doing scholarly or churchy stuff he can be found in the gym, reading in a back room, having a cigar with friends, or binge watching the latest Netflix experience. Sometimes his teens let him hang out with them, too. (This means playing a board game, trying to keep up with their parkour, watching old episodes of Psych, trying to understand Pokémon, and driving the boys where they need to go.) He is delighted to team up with Troy, a long-time friend, for the Faith Debate radio show and podcast.
Jace Broadhurst has been a guest on 2 episodes.
Episode 152: The Hermeneutics Episode?
July 28th, 2017 | 40 mins 5 secs
We don't talk hermeneutics very often on this podcast. At least explicitly. But Jace Broadhurst got us talking about it. It's Bullgeschichte and Friday Night Lights rolled into one! God help us all.
Episode 132: The Alienated Mind
May 23rd, 2017 | 38 mins 19 secs
This is a bullgeschichte episode where we're joined by our friend Jace Broadhurst to talk about a recent David Brooks column in the NY Times entitled "The Alienated Mind".