Brian Toews
Special guest
Dr. Brian Toews has worked at Cairn University since 1993. He has spent 16 years as a faculty member in the School of Divinity and six years as provost. Dr. Toews was one of the original faculty members involved in the Honors Program, and he currently directs Cairn’s Center for University Studies. He has also served as faculty advisor to the Student Theological Society. In addition to teaching courses in Bible and theology, he developed and taught courses in film and in science fiction. He has been awarded Faculty Member of the Year twice during his time at Cairn.
Dr. Toews has been a contributing member of the Evangelical Theological Society since 1992, presenting numerous papers and serving on the steering committee of the Psalms and Hebrew Poetry section. He has also been a member of the Institute for Biblical Research and the Society of Biblical Literature.
He earned his BA in Linguistics from UCLA, ThM and MDiv from the Talbot School of Theology (Biola University), and PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures from UCLA. He began his career in academia in 1986, teaching at The Master’s College (now The Master’s University) in Santa Clarita, CA, where he provided oversight for the Biblical Languages program. His academic specialties are biblical languages, wisdom literature, and Old Testament theology.
Brian Toews has been a guest on 1 episode.
Episode 168: Praying Angry?
September 23rd, 2017 | 41 mins 3 secs
In this Friday Night Lights/Bullgeschichte episode we welcome a new guest to the bunker. Brian Toews joins us to talk about imprecatory Psalms, the verses in the Bible that wish bad things on people that have wronged the ones praying. What do we do with these Psalms today?